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Track and Trace

How to Protect Citizens Against Fraudulent QR Codes

By 2025, more than 100 million smartphone users in the US will use a QR code scanner on their mobile devices, compared to 70.6 million in 2020. But how can citizens be sure that what they are scanning is legitimate?

Technology - July 25, 2024 12:01 a.m.

Vape Brands and Their Authentication Measures

According to Statista, the e-cigarette market is projected to generate revenue of $26 billion in 2024, with a 3.93% global compound annual growth rate between 2024-2029. While the legitimate market is growing, the vape industry, like other sectors, is plagued by counterfeit and other illicit products.

Track and Trace - July 25, 2024 midnight

The Fishing Was Good – It Was the Catching That Was Bad

Francisco Mandiola looks at some interesting developments in seafood traceability, including a new certification system in Chile that captures images of fish on a conveyer line and then uses specific algorithms to identify each species.

Track and Trace - July 10, 2024 midnight

15 Years and Counting

Take a look at TSTN’s main news items between 2009-2011, including problems faced with finalising the FCTC Protocol, efforts in the US to introduce federal tax stamps on cigarettes, and the industry’s growing acceptance of digital/physical solutions, unique identifying codes and smartphone authentication.

Events - July 10, 2024 midnight

WTO Releases New Report on Food Fraud

Food fraud has become quite the trend globally and, in May 2024, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) published a report on illicit trade in food and food fraud.

Track and Trace - July 1, 2024 midnight

Increased Controls Shrink Illicit Tobacco in Bosnia and Herzegovina

According to the Sarajevo Times, the implementation of increased controls by Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tax authority and law enforcement agencies have drastically reduced the tobacco black market in the country, to the point where tobacco excise revenues are expected to exceed BAM 1 billion ($548 million) for the first time in history.

Tobacco - July 1, 2024 midnight

Metrc Wins First Cannabis Track and Trace Contract with a Tribal Government

Metrc, the leading provider of cannabis regulatory technology systems to US state governments, has announced a new contract with the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians, a federally recognised Native American tribe located in Southern California. This represents the first ever track and trace contract with a tribal government.

Track and Trace - July 1, 2024 midnight

EU Tobacco Traceability – An Industry-Managed System?

In the May 2024 issue of Tax Stamp & Traceability News™, we described how a white paper published by an informal EU parliamentary working group on tobacco products had highlighted the permeability of some European Commission departments to tobacco industry lobbying. The paper raised concerns that such permeability was causing delays in the revision of two important tobacco regulations: one on taxation and one on traceability.

Tobacco - July 1, 2024 midnight

Here’s to Another 100 Years!

At the end of April, Gelmer Leibbrandt, Managing Director of Royal Joh Enschedé, signed a new contract with the Dutch Customs Authority for the printing of tobacco tax stamps, thereby continuing a service that has already lasted for over 100 consecutive years.

Organisations - May 31, 2024 midnight

Diametryx’s Innovative Colour Change Particles

At the Optical & Digital Document Security™ (ODDS) conference in April, Michael Natan, President of Diametryx Inc, presented this new company’s intriguing colour-change particles for use as an overt security feature.

Free - May 31, 2024 midnight

How to Identify Illicit Cigarettes – Ukrainian Forensic Experts Explain

In a recent Ukrainian National News (UNN) article, Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, described the steps taken by the institute to identify smuggled cigarettes and counterfeits of well-known brands, with tax stamps featuring high on the list of elements to check.

Illicit Trade - May 31, 2024 midnight

Labels that Go Straight on the Food Itself

A new labelling technology that prints a QR code directly onto food such as fruit has been developed by a team of researchers in South Korea, according to an announcement by the country’s Ministry of Science and ICT.

Technology - May 31, 2024 midnight

80% of UK Smokers Buy Illegal Tobacco

Between October-December 2023, the UK Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association (TMA) commissioned a nationwide poll of 12,000 smokers on their attitudes, awareness and understanding of illegal tobacco. This is the ninth year this survey has been carried out.

Illicit Trade - May 31, 2024 midnight

White Paper Calls for Stronger EU Alignment to WHO FCTC

In 2023, an informal EU parliamentary working group on tobacco products, led by French MEPs Anne-Sophie Pelletier, Pierre Larrouturou and the late Michèle Rivasi, organised a number of roundtables to discuss how the permeability of some European Commission departments to tobacco industry lobbying was causing delays in the revision of two important regulations (see TSTN July 2023).

EU TPD - May 31, 2024 midnight