About Us

Tax Stamp & Traceability News® is the only source of essential information about tax stamp programmes around the world.

First published in 2009, by Reconnaissance International, Tax Stamp & Traceability News (TSTN) has become the authoritative voice for all those involved in protecting and recovering tax revenues and combating illicit trade in tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, fuel and other excisable products.

The editor of TSTN is Nicola Sudan, Regional Director of Reconnaissance, who is also General Secretary of the International Tax Stamp Association. Nicola works with an editorial advisory board composed of experts in the field of tax stamps, secure track and trace, authentication technologies and supply chain control systems.

Reconnaissance International is the leading global source of business intelligence on currency, optical and digital document security, personal identification, authentication, brand protection… and of course, tax stamps.

In addition to our regular news service, our tax stamp offering includes the publication of extensive special reports, as well as the organisation of the annual Tax Stamp & Traceability Forum™, and the provision of consulting and other services specific to this fast-growing sector.

Our special reports include Anatomy of the Modern Tax Stamp, and Tax Stamps & Traceability: A Market Analysis and Technical Update – which is already into its third edition, and which covers tax stamp and traceability programmes, technologies, regulations, standards and success stories from around the world.

The Tax Stamp & Traceability Forum is the only event which brings together, in one space, government excise and customs agencies, investigators and law enforcement, regulators, excise product manufacturers and distributors, security printers, supply chain specialists, suppliers of authentication and serialisation technologies, and systems integrators – to share the latest developments and best practices in tax stamp and traceability systems.